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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Email vs. Social Networking vs. whatever

Email marketing's eulogy has been written more than once. The web 2.0 crowd has been the most agressive of late, proclaiming the end of email marketing.

While you may guess where I stand on this issue, I wanted to link to two blog posts that have different takes on this subject. I find this conversation interesting to say the least.

Web 2.0 vs. Email: Unnecessary Anxiety

New study results: people don’t want your marketing messages


Blogger Chas Offutt said...

Simms, definitely a good conversation.

As someone who leans to the 2.0 side of things for their web strategy, I believe that despite the measurement of 'engagement' as an essential aspect of all efforts, fundraising is still king. And, though times have changed, fundraising remains deeply connected to email communication, ie housefile size, messaging, etc.

Good blog leads too, thanks.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 10:51:00 AM EST


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