100th Post & EmailStatCenter.com keeps rolling
This is my 100th post on the BrightWave Blog and it has taken a long time to get to 100 but hey no one said I was going to be a prolific blogger.
EmailStatCenter.com has been a tremendous hit with experienced email marketers and novice folks alike looking to gain some knowledge about email stats and the overall industry we call home. With the help of the email experience council (eec) and GOT , our partner and sponsor, not to mention our team at BrightWave Marketing , I would have no problem saying the site is a hit and here to stay.
Others agree - widely read Larry Chase's Web Digest For Marketers says EmailStatCenter.com is one of "the 13 best ways to help you measure your marketing on the Internet...This site is full of email performance factoids from every study under the sun."
We couldn't agree more. Check out more press and buzz on EmailStatCenter.com