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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Coining Phrases - Trying a bit too hard

With both bloggers and journalists fighting for audience mindshare, the ability to coin a word or phrase has reached new levels. Whether the guilty parties are trying to get coverage on other blogs, mainstream media or even a book deal, the attempts are often unintentionally funny and/or pathetic.

The NY Times has its fair share of people trying to become new star bloggers or GenX culture beat writers, but this article "Dude, Here's My Book"" goes beyond creating a new term and letting the audience decide on whether or not it deserves to become part of our cultural lexicon.

The phrase in question: fratire. FTR, this is supposed to be the male counter to chick lit. Some blog buzz seems to have been generated

How about an end of "phishing for buzzwords" (unless of course this one makes me famous)?

Email Appends - Worth a Deeper Look

Email Appends are something that seem to be catching on with B2C companies looking to move their customer touchpoints to the online space. Simply put, email appends allow companies to take offline customer data and match it up with a corresponding email address. An opt out email usually follows.

In theory, everyone wins. The customer will get email offers and newsletters and the company can save money by communicating via email instead of costly direct mail/telemarketing et al. In practice, it can be more complicated than this but it is someting we have coordinated for clients and have found it to be a cost effective email acquistion program.

I found this link titled "Email Appending - A new business strategy" (from a vendor so buyer beware) that gives a nice overview of the benefits of email appending.

One very interesting study that came out recently (shocker - from an email append data vendor - FreshAddress is a must read for anyone considering ways to build their email list.

Commercial clients average deliverable email append results:

Household appending: 16%
Individual appending: 12%
Nonprofits average deliverable email append results:

Household appending: 15%
Individual appending: 9%
Average deliverable email change of address results:

Email Change of Address: 8% (both commercial and nonprofits)

Mark Cuban on Click Fraud

Mark Cuban, co founder of and Dallas Mavericks owner, is known for his bold talk and business bets (he just sold IceRocket,
a blog search engine, and will make a fortune on his HDTV investments).

Easily, he is one of the most interesting business personalities in the US. Sometimes I forget he made his big money in the internet so he knows the game. Interesting posts here on the topic of Search Engine Click Fraud - What is click fraud ?

Welcome Back - The BrightWave Blog Returns

After ironing out some kinks and whatnot, I thought I would bring the BrightWave Blog back for another run. I have increasingly relied on RSS feeds for work and personal information and insight. That has inspired me to try to give back in the blog world. not just take. Sounds like a good plan, for now, at least. Resources may limit this blog but we shall see how it pans out.

So I hope to post various sources related to the interactive marketing world, primarily focused on Email, Relationship & Search Marketing, the main practice areas of BrightWave Marketing (www.BrightWaveMarketing.)

I will limit the propaganda, other than linking to my iMediaConnection stories. So let's begin...